Global Peace Index

Data source: Institute for Economics & Peace

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The Global Peace Index (GPI), which ranks 163 independent states and territories according to their level of peacefulness. Produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), the GPI is the world's leading measure of global peacefulness. The complete version of the GPI covers 99.7 per cent of the world's population, using 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly respected sources, and measures the state of peace using three thematic domains: the level of Societal Safety and Security; the extent of Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict; and the degree of Militarisation.

Please refer to the original source to see all of the indicators. For the QoG compilation data, we assume the report refers to the data of the preceding year.

Last updated by source: 2024-06-12

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Institute for Economics and Peace. (2022). Global peace index 2022: Measuring peace in a complex world.

Variables in this dataset:

   Ongoing Conflict
QoG Code: gpi_conf

Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict (scaled 1 to 5, 5 refers to higher intensity of conflict) is one of the three subdomains of the GPI. It investigates the extent to which countries are involved in internal and external conflicts, as well as their role and duration of involvement in conflicts.

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   Global Peace Index
QoG Code: gpi_gpi

The GPI (scaled from 1 to 5, 5 being least peaceful) measures a country's level of Negative Peace using three domains of peacefulness. The first domain, Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict, investigates the extent to which countries are involved in internal and external conflicts, as well as their role and duration of involvement in conflicts. The second domain evaluates the level of harmony or discord within a nation; ten indicators broadly assess what might be described as Societal Safety and Security. The assertion is that low crime rates, minimal terrorist activity and violent demonstrations, harmonious relations with neighbouring countries, a stable political scene and a small proportion of the population being internally displaced or made refugees can be equated with peacefulness. Seven further indicators are related to a country's Militarisation-reflecting the link between a country's level of military build-up and access to weapons and its level of peacefulness, both domestically and internationally. Comparable data on military expenditure as a percentage of GDP and the number of armed service officers per head are gauged, as are financial contributions to UN peacekeeping missions.

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QoG Code: gpi_mil

Militarisation (scaled 1 to 5, 5 being more militarised) is one of the three subdomains of the GPI. It reflects the link between a country's level of military build-up and access to weapons and its level of peacefulness, both domestically and internationally.

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   Safety and Security
QoG Code: gpi_ss

Societal Safety and Security (scaled 1 to 5, 5 being less secure) is one of the three subdomains of the GPI. Low crime rates, minimal terrorist activity and violent demonstrations, harmonious relations with neighbouring countries, a stable political scene and a small proportion of the population being internally displaced or made refugees can be equated with peacefulness.

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